Hydroponics for Animal Feed: Enhancing Your Flock’s Diet

Sean Short
3 min readOct 2, 2023


You’re standing in the middle of your property, eyes scanning the horizon, wondering how to optimize the health of your livestock. It’s a moment all us farmers have been in — standing there, half-expecting the earth to whisper its secrets to us. Then it hits you: hydroponics. The art and science of soil-less farming.

“But wait,” you say, “I thought hydroponics was for growing vegetables and herbs. Can it benefit my flock, too?” Hold onto your hats, folks, because you’re about to have the same mind-bending epiphany I did. Hydroponics isn’t just for leafy greens; it’s a nutritional jackpot for your animals as well.

Hydroponic fodder can deliver an assortment of essential nutrients, and here’s the kicker — with consistent quality. Imagine never having to fret about the season or the weather affecting your feed. Every bite is as perfect as the one before it.

I’ve been in the trenches, fighting the same battles you’re waging. I’ve dealt with the unpredictable yields, the fluctuating feed costs, and the labor-intensive routines. But then, I began exploring hydroponics as an alternative feed source. What I found was astonishing — a consistent, highly nutritious, and remarkably cost-effective solution.

My epiphany arrived when I first introduced hydroponic fodder to my chickens. The eggs — oh, the eggs were different. The yolk was a deeper shade of yellow, almost resonating as a golden nugget of nutrition. My chickens weren’t just surviving; they were thriving. And guess what? Yours can too.

Hydroponics is the “secret sauce” that’ll transform your flock’s well-being, boost their health and your bottom line.

You might ask, “But isn’t setting up a hydroponic system complex and expensive?” Ah, the old myths die hard, don’t they?

You don’t have to be a Systems Engineer or a molecular biologist to install this. With turnkey solutions and simple DIY setups, it’s more accessible than ever. Yes, there’s an initial cost, but consider it an investment in knocking your flock’s diet out of the proverbial park.

So, there you are again, standing in the middle of your property. Only now, you’re not scanning the horizon; you’re looking upwards, where the limits are no longer the soil beneath your feet but by how far your imagination can stretch.

For those of you reading this, hanging onto the edge of your seats and asking, “Alright, I’m in. But what do I do now?” Here are two actionable steps you can take today to supercharge your flock’s diet:

Start Small with a DIY Hydroponic Double-Bucket System:
Don’t get lost in some maze of complexity; remember, every expert was once a beginner. Grab a mason jar, a couple of 5-gal or 2-gal paint buckets, some seeds of barley or oats, and start your own mini hydroponic setup. In as little as six days, you’ll have your first batch of hydroponic fodder ready to feed your flock. Notice the changes, the vigor, the vitality in your livestock. This is your proof of concept, a small test to show you in real-time the potential benefits.

Evaluate and Scale:
Once you’ve gotten your feet wet with the DIY approach, take a step back. Assess the performance, the yield, the nutritional quality, and most importantly, your flock’s response. If you like what you see, it’s time to scale. Look into turnkey hydroponic systems that can handle the volume you need. These are designed to cut labor and maximize yield, and they’re more within reach than you might think.

You see, it’s not just about doing something new; it’s about doing something better. The sky isn’t the limit; it’s the starting point. You’ve got your actionable steps; now, go out there and make that change. Make your livestock healthier, your workload lighter, and your yield bigger.



Sean Short

A young farmer revolutionizing how to think about food, education, and criminal justice. Author of ‘Thinking Outside The Soil.’